Feeling a bit lost? Do you feel a bit cooped up?

The Fenced In Podcast – how to train under lockdown.  This is your sports and fencing podcast, where two competitive fencers talk about their experiences and how to improve in this technical sport while in lockdown!

Chris Mollard and Ben Peggs (two experienced British fencers who have nearly 30 years of knowledge between them) team up to talk about all that is ‘quarantine training’ from their own homes and explore the many ways that fencers or athletes of any kind can make the most of training during this global pandemic. Discussing anything and everything – from mental health in the living room to point control in the garden.

Please like, rate and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. We are also on Twitter @FencedInPodcast (https://twitter.com/FencedInPodcast) – follow us and get in touch for your questions to be answered!

A new podcast, created by me and my close friend

For those who don’t know, I am a fencer.  I compete at the top of the pyramid in the UK and abroad for Great Britain too.  Lockdown has been hard for everyone and has also had additional challenges for me as I usually spend ~15 hours a week training.  I am lucky to have 11 years of experience behind me now, so I know what to work on and how to continue but there are other athletes out there that aren’t so fortunate.

The Fenced In Podcast – how to train under lockdown

Our goal is to help people to continue to train whilst we are in lockdown, so that they can keep fit and possibly even come back with new found gains!  Ben is on the GBR team and has been a professional fencer for nearly 15 years.  He is also my coach and a close friend and brings a wealth of knowledge to the table in a conversational piece, where we discuss how we are training and what others can do too!

Instead of re-writing what we have worked hard to put together, here are the episodes and all the rest!

Like, share and subscribe wherever you are listening!

The positive response that we have had so far has been quite overwhelming, which has made us even more determined to reach as wide an audience as we can! Therefor we would really love for you to be involved, so be please follow us on Twitter @FencedInPodcast and like, subscribe and rate our show and episodes wherever you get your podcasts:

There is an ‘ask us anything’ section where you will get your questions answered and a shout out too!  It’s all about community.

Make sure to check out my other posts for how I can help you!